Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ms. Lerenman in the Arctic Day 8

Stylin' in the Arctic.
Using a mallet to get the probes in.
Heidi finds the spruce needle bag with excitement aver much digging in icy terrain.
Jen and Jess picked up what they thought was a raptor pellet but really turned out to be wolf scat -- which is toxic to the kidneys. They promptly dropped it after Pete warned them of the potential renal failure.
Steve models how to properly insert the probes so that they can measure the nutrient absorption for the next eight months.
Maya hammers the probes into the icy icy ground.
Handstands in the Arctic.
Laura puts her hands up like caribou antlers to beckon them over.
We finally got to see some caribou. When they approached us without any suspicion, Carley said, "This is why they are food." Cute animals, but not the brightest. All you have to do is put your hands up like antlers to get them to come over.
The Cornell cinematographers film Pete talking about how climate change affects the ecosystems up North. Then they filmed us inserting PRS probes.
We finally got to see the rocket parts from the Rocket (ROK) site!

Today we got to go do Plant Root Simulator deployment at three different sites. A Plant Root Simulator (PRS) is a small plastic device that acts like a root and traps nutrients and other factors in the soil. Steve had us put 16 sets of two PRS devices into the soil for each of the 3 transects at each site. The probes measure cations and anions. So we did 16 X 3 X 3 probes today!

After dinner, we got to hear part 2 of Pete's landforms lecture. Riveting doesn't begin to describe it.

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